In the 71-th International Scientific Conference“FOOD SCIENCE, ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY 2024”
Official Languages of the Conference
The official languages of the conference are Bulgarian and English!
We do ask all our partners, both from foreign and Bulgarian universities and research institutions to comply with this mandatory requirement! Manuscripts selected by the Editorial Board presented in English and successfully undergone a process of double blind peer review be published in the BIO Web of Conferences journal (indexed in Web of Science and Scopus) or International, interdisciplinary journal “Expert”.We ask lecturers of UFT primary units to provide the necessary assistance to their foreign partners to translate their scientific reports into Bulgarian language, if requested!!
Types of Papers Presented on the Conference
– Plenary reports (20 - 25 min and up to 20 formatted pages - not more than 100 000 characters with whitespace, incl. graphs, tables, figures, references, acknowledgements etc.). They are presented by invited speakers;.
– Short oral presentations (8 -10 min - 8 formatted pages - not more than 30 000 characters with whitespace, incl. graphs, tables, figures, references, acknowledgements etc.). They are presented by delegates (the author or one of the co-authors) according to the stated desire of the authors’ team;
– Posters - it is mandatory that they should be presented by at least one delegate - co-author.
Procedure for acceptance of manuscripts
A delegate has the right to participate in authors' teams of not more than two manuscripts and a separate participation fee is required for each of those.
All requests must be submitted electronically to the electronic platform of the Conference on site:
The materials must be in English!
The materials have to be prepared according to the instructions to participants following the template file.
The materials will be evaluated for their technical compliance with the paper layout template!
Manuscripts that do not comply with the technical paper layout template will be returned to the authors for corrections and if this is not done within the specified deadlines they will be rejected and will not be accepted for publishing.
The materials will be assessed for style and spelling of the language used. Manuscripts which do not conform will be returned to the authors for corrections and if this is not done within the specified deadlines will be rejected and will not be accepted for publishing;
The manuscripts having undergone a technical, linguistic and stylistic check for conformity will be admitted to the procedure of an independent peer review. It will be anonymous and will be conducted by two independent reviewers;
After the independent reviewing process, the recommended manuscripts submitted in English (after corrections have been made, if necessary) will be published in BIO Web of Conferences journal (indexed in Web of Science and Scopus) or International, interdisciplinary journal “Expert”.
Instructions to authors
Authors who plan to present oral presentations or posters at the 70th Scientific Conference with international participation “Food Science, Engineering and Technologies 2023”, should prepare their manuscripts following the instructions below.
Contents of the manuscripts
Non-English-speaking authors are strongly advised to edit their manuscripts in English before submission for peer review. It is recommended that manuscripts be edited by scholars who speak native English or by philologists who are experts in English and at the same time familiar with the specific technical terminology of the article. Manuscripts that do not have sufficiently good language to meet English standards will be rejected before the stage of assessment for scientific merit. Manuscripts should be formatted as a Word Document, saved in .docx format, in Times New Roman font and formatted as follows:
- Title - up to 12 words, Bold (Получер), с шрифт Arial 16.
- Име (-на) на автора (-ите) – Italic (Italics mine), с шрифт Times New Roman 10.
- Фамилия на автора (-ите) – Regular (Обикновен), с шрифт Times New Roman 10.
- Институции в които работят авторите – Regular (Обикновен), с шрифт Times New Roman 9, номерирани със същия горен индекс, съответстващ с името, подробно описани, държава.
- Пълни данни на автора за кореспонденция (имена, научна длъжност, научно звание, катедра, факултет/отдел, институция, пощенски адрес, телефон, мобилен, факс, електронна поща), Regular (Обикновен).
- Abstract - up to 200 words, Regular, not including bibliography.
- Keywords - up to 7 words, Regular.
- List of abbreviations - Regular.
- Introduction. To include a review of the available literature, conclusion of the literature review, aim and objectives of the study.
- Материали и Методи или Методология.
- Results.
- Discussion.
- Acknowledgements.
- References (Bibliography).
- Tables. The description of the tables should be written above them.
- Figures - graphs, pictures (photographs), diagrams, etc. The name of the figures should be written below them.
Figures and tables should be placed in their respective places in the text.
The title should accurately reflect the content of the article. It should make it easy to find the article using indexes developed from secondary literature sources.
A good title should:
1) clearly identify the significance of the study;
2) to indicate the objectives of the study;
3) to give a preliminary idea of the important and very important concepts used in the text.
Смисълът и редът на думите в заглавието също са важни! Заглавието трябва да бъде полезно. Само по себе си то е своеобразен етикет на статията. Термините в заглавието следва да бъдат ограничени до тези думи, които дават значителна информация за съдържанието на статията!
Many readers read the headlines in a magazine's table of contents before deciding whether to turn to an abstract or read an article. Therefore, the headline should pique the reader's interest. Highly specific and highly specialised titles, with words that are only understandable to a specific small group of specialists, are usually passed over by readers. In addition, literary search engines ignore titles that are incomprehensible to the majority of readers and clear to only a few people.
The title should never contain abbreviations, chemical formulas or proprietary names! For this reason, authors should avoid using unusual or outdated terminology.
To save space, the trivial names of chemical compounds, plant and animal species and crops should be used in the title. If a plant crop or micro-organism is not referred to by its trivial name, it is acceptable to use the scientific name (genus and species in Latin).
If there is only one author or if all authors have the same address, this information should not be repeated and listed as many times as there are co-authors of the article.
При четене на резюмето трябва лесно да може да се определи научната стойност на доклада (научното съобщение) и да реши дали да го прочетете по-нататък, или не. В много от случаите повечето хора четат резюмето, а не целия доклад. По този начин резюмето има двойна функция: на предоставяне на информация на тези, които ще прочетат целия доклад, и за тези, които няма да прочетат цялата статия. То трябва да бъде написано след като е завършено писането на статията и трябва напълно да съответства на твърденията в публикацията. До известна степен резюмето може да повтаря изрази от статията, но тъй като обикновено то се чете непосредствено преди въведението или другите основни раздели, тези повторения не трябва да са досадни. От друга страна, резюмето трябва да бъде напълно разбираемо само по себе си. То трябва да включва:
- the reason for doing the work, including the rationale or definition of the research.
- justification of the objectives covered and the subject of the publication.
- a brief description of the methods used. If the article discusses method(s) of analysis, the abstract shall describe the basic principles, scope and degree of accuracy of the new method(s).
- results (trends of the more important results of the study are presented).
- conclusions or inferences.
The summary should draw attention to new elements, observations and numerical data. It should be informative. Expressions such as 'is discussed' and 'is described' should be used infrequently. The summary should be specific, avoiding the use of general statements.
Резюмето не трябва да надхвърля 200 думи и не бива да е разделено на параграфи. То не трябва да включва препратки към библиографията, фигурите или таблиците, уравнения, формули, неясни съкращения и акроними. Научните наименования трябва да бъдат включени в резюмето, там, където често срещаните имена се споменават за първи път.
Authors should prepare an English translation of the abstract to be published at the beginning of the article.
All abbreviations used in the text must be spelled out in full.
Below the abstract, authors should provide a list of up to 7 key words from the manuscript. The keywords should include the topic studied and the special techniques used. Keywords should be informative without reference in the main text. It is recommended that the keywords do not repeat terms from the title.
The paper should begin by clearly identifying the object of the study. Authors should state their working hypothesis or clearly define the research problem they aim to solve by conducting the present experiment. The reader is oriented to the scientific results of previous concepts and studies, which are reported in the form of a brief reference. References to the literature used should be limited to information that is essential to guide the reader. Most readers do not need lengthy literature reviews, especially of old hypotheses and models if newer ones are available, to be convinced of the relevance of the research. The purpose of the introduction is to provide sufficient background information to enable the reader to understand and evaluate the results of the present study without the need to refer to previous publications on the subject.
The introduction should be brief and include:
- a brief statement of the problem that justifies the research or hypothesis on which it is based.
- the results of other scientific publications that need to be challenged or further developed.
- explanation of general approaches and objectives. This section may indicate the means by which the problem was investigated especially if the research methods are new.
The Editorial Board of the conference will accept for publication manuscripts that are based on Experimental investigation of data or theoretical analysis, provided that acceptable results are obtained. The purpose of this section is to give sufficient detail of the analytical procedures, the set-up of the experiment, so that a competent scientist can repeat the experiment. The authors should provide information on the relevant technical specifications (process documentation), quantities, formulations and sources or suppliers of the materials used, and sample preparation methods.
Ако е използван търговски достъпен продукт, името и адресът на производителя трябва да се дават в скоби. Ако е необходимо, трябва да бъдат изброени съответните химични и физични свойства на реактивите. Предпочита се посочването на химическите, а не на търговските наименования на материалите, които са използвани. Всички биологични обекти на изследване, които не са споменати в резюмето, трябва прецизно да се идентифицират по род, вид, сорт, класификация или по специални характеристики. Използваните в изследването методи за анализ следва да бъдат цитирани с препратка(-и), ако това е възможно. Ако използваните аналитични техники са широко известни, те се описват само с имената си, като в скоби се цитират авторите им, като се прави препратка към библиографията. Ако използваният метод е модифициран, се прави кратко описание на модификацията, която трябва да се приложи, освен ако промяната не е тривиална. Дайте подробности за необичайните експериментални постановки на опита или за използваните статистически методи за обработка на данните. Този раздел може да бъде организиран в хронологичен ред, според последователността на използваните аналитични техники, или по друг начин. Този раздел може да включва таблици, графики, схеми и фигури.
This section should avoid a verbal restatement of facts that are already clear from a review of the attached graphs or tables. If the tables and figures are well thought out and constructed, they will show the reader both the results of the experiment and the experimental setup.
The tables, graphs and other illustrations in section Results should provide clarity in understanding the representative data obtained from the experiments. The data included in the illustrations and tables should not be discussed in detail in the text, but important and significant findings and discoveries should be noted. Where only a few measurements are presented, they should be treated descriptively in the text. Repeated measurements should be presented in tables or graphs.
The result of each experiment should be clarified in the text by addressing the specifics, e.g., "... one quantity is greater than the other, the result is linear over its range, or an optimal value has been found, etc.".
Finally, the results must be linked together. Often, this is the reason section Results be combined with a section Discussion. The Editorial Board does not recommend such a combination of the two sections.
In the section Discussion a scientific discussion and interpretation of the findings presented in section Results data, paying particular attention to the problem or hypothesis stated in the introduction. A good discussion in part Discussion should contain:
- principles, relationships and generalizations that can be supported by the results obtained;
- Placing emphasis on results and conclusions that are confirmed or not confirmed by the work of other researchers;
- practical applications and theoretical impacts;
- conclusions summarising the evidence in each case.
In the section Discussionif it is not combined with a section Results, generalizations of the results should not be made, but their relevance to science and practice should be discussed. It should be clear how the results offer a solution to the problems identified in section Introduction or presented as the purpose of the work. The research should be related to previous research papers along with an explanation of how and why it differs or agrees with them. References should be limited to those that are most relevant to the purpose of the discussion. Older knowledge should not be cited if it has been superseded or revised by more recent ones.
Speculation is encouraged, but it must be used judiciously and be firmly based on observation and subject to testing. When results differ from previously published similar results for unexplained reasons, possible explanations should not arise. Controversial issues should be discussed clearly and fairly (with an appropriate degree of impartiality).
Manuscripts must include a section Conclusion. The authors should include some significant conclusions that emerge from the results obtained in the study. These conclusions should be carefully worded so that they can be readily identified.
В този раздел авторите могат да изкажат своите благодарности на други научни институции, фирми, държавни органи или хора, които са допринесли или подпомогнали финансово или по друг начин изследването, представено в ръкописа, без заглавие, с шрифт Times 9.
Examples of literature citations
- Mecke, I. Lee, J.R. Baker jr., M.M. Banaszak Holl, B.G. Orr, Eur. Phys. J. E 14, 7 (2004)
- Ben Rabha, M.F. Boujmil, M. Saadoun, B. Bessaïs, Eur. Phys. J. Appl. Phys. (to be published)
- Luigi T. De Luca, Propulsion physics (EDP Sciences, Les Ulis, 2009)
- De Lillo, F. Cecconi, G. Lacorata, A. Vulpiani, EPL, 84 (2008)